Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Mighty P90X

Now I am just bored in class. My most excellent wife (wow, that sounded like Bill and Ted) bought P90X as a Christmas Present. We finally got the equipment we need to start the workouts. One thing that I am really excited about is our pull-up bar. Let me tell you why I am so excited. It's because it does not fit on any of our doors... except for our front door. I'm really excited to get strange looks from our apartment complex neighbors as they go to defrost their cars. We got to do our first workout this morning. We decided to start with plyometrics. Um... Wow! it was super tough. It's going to be a while before we can actually do a workout all the way through. I can honestly say that I have never been so impressed with or liked something that makes me want to throw up after 20 minutes. Well, we're committed now so we had better be in better shape in 3 months. But it will be a tough 3 months.


  1. Way to go on the P90X! Spen loves it. And I have to say...having the excuse that I'm pregnant is quite nice, because I just get to sit back and watch Spen sweat and only imagine how I would be passing out by the time he breaks a sweat. :)

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  3. Ydarb, I'm right there with you on the P90x. I got it for Christmas too and have been doing it for the past 3 weeks. It's gruelling and I almost passed out once... ok, not really, but i almost lost my lunch. Despite that, I really like it. It keeps me active. Good luck.

  4. Must be January, everyone is trying to do stuff they would laugh at in June ;) Good luck that's some intense stuff. I liked your comment on Michelle's blog. Yes, Yoga can kick butt!
